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The Character and its Home: Who is There When No One’s Home?

8 September, 11:00h


The Character and its Home: Who is There When No One’s Home? (Marija Varga and Maja Vilić)


This workshop addresses a given special and meaning framework – the home. Starting from the text, sound, smell, and interpreting them – we will construct a shared image of the character through a sketch. We will then create the personal space of our protagonist’s home.


The idea is to create the basic guidelines, through character study, that will help us develop the character of the space. The aim of this creative process is for workshop participants to create a picture of the home that belongs only to the protagonist, through interpretation, physical appearance, as well as their character.


How does a person make the home and how does the home make the character?


The outcome of the workshop will be a miniature home replica – a model where the atmosphere is complete with light, sound and other scene tools.

animation designer: Mina Stojanov